Zero-Tolerance Policy

Our Zero-Tolerance Policy

At Ryecourt Clinic, we are dedicated to maintaining a safe, respectful, and professional environment for all. To ensure the highest quality of care, we have implemented a Zero-Tolerance Policy for abusive or inappropriate behavior.

Unacceptable Behavior Includes:

  • Verbal Abuse: Offensive or inflammatory language.
  • Physical Violence: Any form of aggression or threats.
  • Discrimination or Harassment: Based on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
  • Non-compliance: Disruptive refusal to follow clinic rules or advice.

Our Commitment:

  • Safety and Security: Ensuring a safe environment for all.
  • Respect and Dignity: Treating everyone with respect and expecting the same.
  • Support for Staff: Protecting our team from fear and disrespect.


  • Immediate Dismissal: Offenders may be asked to leave immediately.
  • Termination of Care: Severe or repeated violations can lead to termination of services.
  • Legal Action: Involving law enforcement if necessary.

Reporting Concerns:

If you experience or witness any inappropriate behavior, please inform a staff member immediately. We take all reports seriously and will address them promptly.

Thank you for helping us maintain a positive and respectful environment at Ryecourt Clinic. For questions, please contact us for any more details