Doctor Consultation 1 issue/15 mins €70

Doctor Consultation 2 or more issues/30-45 mins €90-€120

Doctor Consultation and blood test €80

Review Consultation within 2 weeks €40

Doctor Telephone Consultation €60

House Call €100

Consult & ECG €80

Consult & 24hr Blood Pressure Monitor €100

Nurse Bloods Appointment €40

Repeat Prescriptions €40

Medical Cert €30

Letters/Forms €20-€50 at discretion of GP

Driving Licence Medical €80

Consultation and Ear Syringing €100

First Cryotherapy €80

Follow on Cryotherapy €50

B12 Injection €20

Implanon Insertion €100

Implanon Removal €100

Implanon Insertion & Removal €150

Mirena Coil Insertion €170

Mirena Coil Removal €90

Travel Vaccines enquire at reception

Minor surgical procedures – enquire at reception

Joint Injections from €90

Joint Injections GMS from €60

Heliobactor Breath Test €80

NO SHOW fee of €55 will apply to patients who do not attend or cancel their appointments

Please call reception to enquire regarding any service not listed